How To Prevent Your
Skin From “Rusting”?
Yes, skin rust is real…
Skin rust degrades and destroys your skin from within…
Skin rust causes wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging jowls… today, I want to tell you about what causes your skin to rust… to “scrub away” the rust that’s eating at your skin right now…
...and how to prevent it from causing damage in the future.
Your Skin Is Rusting Right Now…
As You Read These Very Words
Hi, it’s Sandra Wright here.
I’m the Head of Research at Del Mar Laboratories, working directly with Dr. Paul Chasan.
Since you’re reading this, I know you care about your appearance…
…so I won’t sugarcoat the truth:
Just like an apple left out in the open, your body -- inside and outside -- is biologically rusting right now!
I can say this with 100% certainty, because it happens to everyone.
It’s a completely natural process scientists call ‘oxidation’.
You see, with every breath you take, your cells burn oxygen.
It’s like millions of tiny engines burning fuel from the food you eat.
However, there’s a rather damaging side-effect to this process.
It’s Why The Wrinkles And
Sagging Get So Bad...
Just like a gas car’s engine creates exhaust fumes...
…your cells spit out “exhaust fumes” called oxidants.
Otherwise known as ‘free radicals’.
If you looked at free radicals under a microscope, you’d find they are unstable, angry molecules.
Why are they angry?
They’re furious because they’re missing an electron. And they’ll do anything to get that electron back!
That includes aggressively attacking your healthy cells... changing, damaging and mutating their DNA in the process.
Sun Exposure Makes Your Skin Rust Even Faster
While there are three different types of UltraViolet radiation: UVA, UVB and UVC rays...
… the type of radiation doesn’t matter, it’s the length of time of exposure that wreaks havoc on your skin.1
You see, UV rays cause oxidative stress, unleashing free radicals who busily rust away your skin’s beauty.
Amazingly, a 2019 study from Binghamton University found UV radiation can actually tear apart skin layers by weakening the bonds between cells in the top layer of the skin.2
That’s why sunburn leads to skin peeling.
As you may imagine, with decades of sun exposure and free radicals on the rampage, the end result is not pretty.
Wrinkles. Sagging. Age Spots.
And that’s just what you see on the outside.
Free radicals also attack your organs, causing your whole body to age prematurely.
Wrinkled, Sagging Skin Is A
Warning Sign For Aging Organs
But it’s not all doom and gloom.
There’s actually some great news...
You see, your body has its OWN anti-aging defense system.
A natural ‘cellular protection device’ that guards you against these rampant radicals, 24/7.
It’s a class of nutrients called “antioxidants”. They’re your personal army of ‘anti-rust’ molecules.
Think of antioxidants as “good Samaritans”.
They’re willing to give away one of their OWN electrons to help bring the free radicals back under control.
Now, remember when you were a teenager and your skin was plump, moist and always bounced back?
The big question is:
“What Happened Between Then And Now?”
After all, if your internal antioxidants were doing their job, you’d have firm, tight glowing skin no matter what your age, right?
The reason is The Great Antioxidant Purge.
All of us are antioxidant-deficient for two major reasons…
First, as we age, our bodies produce fewer antioxidants.
Soon, they get overwhelmed, and your body begins to break down on the inside and the outside.
The damage is compounded by smoking, fast food, chemicals in plastic bottles, toxins, you name it.
Second, here’s the real kicker:
Our soil has been stripped bare. Our agricultural methods are BROKEN. Big Food has put profit before our health.
Thanks to soil depletion, the fruit and veggies you enjoy from the supermarket are a weak imitation of what they used to be.
Soil depletion is why even if you are eating pricey organic fruits and vegetables, you're still not getting enough nutrition.
Not near enough to maintain a youthful glow and firm skin.
Scientific American reports:
"One would have to eat eight oranges today to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have gotten from one."3
Why? Over-farming.
Because of over-farming, our soil has been rapidly stripped of the remaining nutrients, vitamins and minerals we all need to live a long, healthy, vibrant life.
This is why when millions of women (and men) look in the mirror, they feel like they’re aging at an accelerated rate.
You're just not getting the antioxidant nutrition you need to keep that youthful glow..
So the question becomes:
Is there a way to still get the antioxidants we need in the right amounts to fight the visible signs of aging?
The good news is ABSOLUTELY. How?
You Can Start By Consuming
The Most Powerful
Antioxidant On The Planet!
Astaxanthin is the secret antioxidant your skin needs ASAP!
Pronounced "asta-zan-thin," it’s a naturally-occurring reddish pigment that you see in salmon, krill, shrimp, lobsters and crabs.
But don’t worry - I’m not about to suggest an all-seafood diet.
You see, these creatures get their astaxanthin from an algae called H. pluvialis.
It’s a key part of their diet.
Astaxanthin was first discovered in the 1940s…
But it’s only now - after hundreds of double-blind, placebo-controlled studies - that we’ve connected the dots between astaxanthin, and skin health.
What Makes Astaxanthin
‘King Of The Antioxidants’?
It’s 40 times stronger than beta-carotene.4
100 times stronger than Vitamin E.5
800 times stronger than CoQ10.6
And a whopping 6000 times more powerful than Vitamin C.7
Remember: you see the effects of free radical damage on the outside…
...but it starts from within.
And that’s exactly where astaxanthin can heal and protect your skin.
Here’s exactly why it’s so powerful for dry, aging, sagging skin:
- Protects against UV Rays: Thanks to it’s algae origins, astaxanthin is believed to protect the skin from rust caused by UV damage.8
- Repairs DNA damage: Sun rays can also cause DNA damage. Luckily, astaxanthin helps with that. A 2018 study found that Astaxanthin has been reported: “to improve the DNA repair capacity of cells exposed to UV radiation.”9
- Wards off wrinkles: By neutralizing free radical damage, astaxanthin can vastly improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in aging skin.
- Sensitive Skin? No problem: Astaxanthin’s anti-inflammatory properties may help with skin redness, sensitivity, and inflammation.
Recent studies are more than encouraging:
Improved elasticity: In a placebo‐controlled, double‐blind study, they showed astaxanthin improved the quality of the skin by decreasing the wrinkles, increasing the elasticity and the moisture content, and reducing the visible signs of aging 10
Reduction in wrinkles: A Japanese study found Astaxanthin showed a reduction in the skin wrinkles, decrease in the age‐spot size, improvement in the elasticity, skin texture, and the moisture content at the end of 8 weeks of treatment.11
Improves moisture retention: A 12-week study found those taking astaxanthin displayed significant improvements in the elasticity of skin as well as a decrease in the amount of water lost in photo‐aged facial skin after 12 weeks, in comparison with the placebo group.12
Helps reverse visible effects of aging: A 2017 study found that astaxanthin supplementation over a long period can help in decreasing aging‐induced skin deterioration and maintain skin health.13
Look younger: Another 2017 study discovered there was a transition of aging skin toward a younger look in men and women who took astaxanthin, most likely due to its antioxidant action which led to rejuvenation of facial skin.14
- Protects from UV skin damage: Finally… a recently published study found astaxanthin reduces loss of skin moisture. Plus, improvement in skin features such as rough skin and texture. The researchers concluded astaxanthin provides protection from the UV‐induced skin damage and aids in maintaining healthy skin.15
The clinical studies are clear...
When it comes to defending against skin rust and rejuvenating wrinkled, sagging skin, this is the super-nutrient you need.
So if you’re sold on the amazing benefits of astaxanthin, you may be wondering
How Much Astaxanthin Do You Need?
Unfortunately, you just can’t get enough through diet alone.
Gorging on a plate of wild salmon will do little to eliminate the rust on your skin.
Instead, you need to go directly to the salmon’s own source… the organic astaxanthin from the deep-ocean algae, H. pluvialis.
That means taking it as a supplement. Yet, even then there are two main roadblocks you need to be aware of:
- Avoid synthetic astaxanthin. Make sure it’s derived naturally from the marine algae H. pluvialis.
- The clinically studied dose is 5-6mg a day. Don’t settle for less, because the data doesn’t support it.
As you may imagine, this ingredient is not cheap.
It comes from deep-ocean algae - which have to be harvested and treated correctly.
Yet after a year of R&D, our team at Del Mar Laboratories has mastered the pipeline.
So today, I’m proud to introduce you to...
- Begin reversing YEARS of free radical damage in just days...
- No matter your age, the skin’s firmness, tautness and elasticity will dramatically improve…
- Age spots, dark circles, fine lines and wrinkles fade and disappear, creases become rarely noticeable…
- Free radical rust is scrubbed off your skin: your natural radiance and glow is restored…
- Leaving you bursting with confidence, smiling every time you happen to glance in the mirror...
Why grow old when you can GLOW old?
Getting the optimal dose of nature’s most powerful antioxidant helps
Renew, Rebuild And Restore
Your Beauty From The Inside Out...
DeOxify comes in the form of a single pill containing the precise amount of Astaxanthin recommended from clinical studies -- a whopping 6mg.
It’s extracted directly from healthy, pristine, H. pluvialis algae.
Just pop one with your breakfast or morning coffee…
And let nature’s pink ‘n’ powerful antioxidant start cleaning away the rust that’s sabotaging your skin and organs.
(Amazingly, it can tackle as many as 19 free radicals at one time!)
With DeOxify, even if you weren’t born with flawless skin, you’ll look like you were.
No matter what your age.
In just two weeks, you’ll start noticing a dramatic difference in how your skin looks and feels.
Believe me, other women will notice too.
At work... out socializing... with the family... even complete strangers... will lean in close and in a whisper, ask:
“Please, You Must Tell Me...
What's Your Secret?
Your Skin Is Gorgeous!”
Yes, the results will be just that visible.
DeOxify is a premium-grade, luxury skin-care treatment.
And frankly, we weren’t sure if we would be able to make it affordable to our customers.
The pure, pristine astaxanthin we source is very difficult to come by.
Yet - by working directly with our suppliers at every step of the pipeline - we’ve managed to squeeze every penny.
We knew we needed the full 6mg which have been clinically proven to improve skin quality.
And the retail price we’ve settled on is $89.95 per bottle.
It’s definitely worth every penny.
Because you’re buying directly from our team, we can squeeze our margins even further...
And today, you can get DeOxify for only $49.95 per bottle…
...or even less, if you stock up and choose 3 or 6 bottles.
That’s a whopping $40 dollars off the regular retail price.
That said,
I Have A Little Favor To Ask You...
Not too many people have heard about astaxanthin.
We want to change that.
When you try DeOxify for 30 days, I can guarantee you’ll experience something amazing…
- It could be waking up in the morning, looking in the mirror and noticing a more youthful complexion… WOW! What a start to the day...
- It could be your partner complimenting how radiant you look...
- Or it could be the comments you get from friends and family about how great you look… is that a new moisturizer? You look good!
Whatever it is, I want to hear about it right away!
So please, whenever you get the time, drop me a quick note or an email at the address in your welcome pack and tell me about your experience.
My team and I are collecting your “DeOxify Experience” for when we do a public launch later this year.
So I need your feedback, your photos, and your testimonials.
I have all the confidence in the world that it’s going to work amazingly for you.
But in case you have any doubt, we’re offering
The Del Mar Laboratories
“Scrubs Away Skin Rust Or Your Money Back”
1-Year Guarantee
Just choose your option below, and let DeOxify do its job.
- If you’re not THRILLED with the improvement in the way you look and FEEL...
- If you’re not over the moon with your newfound confidence...
- And if you’re not blown away by the way your face seems to be aging in reverse...
Then you don’t owe me a single penny.
Heck, you can even send back an empty bottle and I’ll refund every cent of your investment.
You have a full year to ask for your refund.
That’s why you can safely buy the six-bottle, best-savings option, with no risk.
It gets even better…
Lock In Your Price Right NOW,
And Never Pay More
As you know, our “public” pricing target is $89.95.
But since you’re a Del Mar Laboratories customer, you get access to this incredible, skin-rejuvenating ingredient for $40 off… or even less!
And you’ll never pay more.
So please, choose your package now to get started.
Just fill in your details on the next page, and your first shipment of DeOxify will be rushed in the mail on the same day.
We have 1000 units of DeOxify sitting in cold storage in our warehouse.
We expect a very quick sell-out.
So I urge you:
Choose your package now.
Guarantee your first shipment of DeOxify on its way to your door today... Before the price increase.
How Much DeOxify Should I Take?
Just one capsule a day is enough to see the full effect.
The astaxanthin gets to work right away clearing away the skin rust that has built up over the years.
But as you can see from the multiple studies on this page, it’s not just the amount you take each day that makes the difference…
It’s the length of time you take them.
Most of the studies show us that the longer you take DeOxify astaxanthin...
The more your skin health and appearance starts to benefit.
So it just makes sense to keep taking DeOxify day after day and month after month, doesn’t it?
DeOxify costs pennies per day.
And this is why I recommend you choose at least 3 bottles of DeOxify at a time…
And 6 bottles if you want to keep your glow long-term...
That way you can guarantee you’re giving your skin the full beauty-building treatment from the inside out.
So go ahead and click the button below while we have DeOxify still in stock..
Can You Imagine What It Will Be Like To
LOOK And FEEL Young Again?
To look in the mirror and see the years have just fallen away?
There may be no such thing as an elixir of youth, but this?
This is as close as it gets.
Take a chance right now, won’t you?
As you can see: DeOxify is a miracle in the making.
No other nutrient gets to work so rapidly to reverse decades of skin rust.
If you’ve been trying to avoid the mirror whenever possible, from now on, each day you’ll look forward to noticing your face becoming clearer, smoother, more radiant.
You’ll rediscover a look you thought was gone forever.
And an elasticity and firmness you’d forgotten.
You deserve that more youthful glow, yes?
Why not give your skin what it’s crying out for?
Simply by replacing the nutrients lost over time by the aging process, the environment and by our diet.
There’s no need to go without, especially with this affordable price and the risk-free satisfaction guarantee.
It’s time to take advantage of this special offer.
Go ahead and click the button below and let’s get started.
P.S. You CAN have the looks, the attention and the skin you want.
It all starts when you decide to deal with the age-accelerating skin rust that’s piled up over the years.
Let Del Mar Labs help you. Let DeOxify help you.
Let’s put the most advanced skincare nutrient into your hands, risk free.
I mean... I don’t know about you, but I still feel 21 inside.
Now, I don't want to go back there again, but we all deserve to look and feel our best, don’t we?
You already know this, but it deserves to be said:
The secret when you're past 40 is NOT to look younger.
The true secret is to look as good and fresh as you can for your age. Any age.
YOU deserve to look GREAT, you deserve a face and skin that’s absolutely radiant, don’t you?
That’s what DeOxify can deliver.
And you can try it risk-free, for a full year, at our “members-only” pricing… right now.
So please - don’t delay - get your DeOxify treatment going now!
2. Zachary W. Lipsky, Guy K. German. Ultraviolet light degrades the mechanical and structural properties of human stratum corneum. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2019
6. Nishida Y. et. al, Quenching Activities of Common Hydrophilic and Lipophilic Antioxidants against Singlet Oxygen Using Chemiluminescence Detection System. Carotenoid Science 11:16-20 (2007)
10. Yamashita E. The effects of a dietary supplement containing astax‐anthin on skin condition. Carotenoid Science. 2006; 10:91–95.
11. Tominaga K, Hongo N, Karato M, Yamashita E. Cosmetic benefits of astaxanthin on human subjects. Acta Biochim Pol. 2012;59(1):43‐47.
12. Yoon H‐S, Cho HH, Cho S, Lee S‐R, Shin M‐H, Chung JH. Supplementing with dietary astaxanthin combined with collagen hydrolysate improves facial elasticity and decreases matrix metallo‐ proteinase‐1 and ‐12 expression: a comparative study with placebo. J Med Food. 2014;17(7):810‐816.
13. Tominaga K, Hongo N, Fujishita M, Takahashi Y, Adachi Y. Protective effects of astaxanthin on skin deterioration. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition. 2017;61:33‐39.
14. Chalyk NE, Klochkov VA, Bandaletova TY, Kyle NH, Petyaev IM. Continuous astaxanthin intake reduces oxidative stress and re‐ verses age‐related morphological changes of residual skin sur‐ face components in middle‐aged volunteers. Nutrition Research. 2017;48:40‐48.
15. Ito N, Seki S, Ueda F. The protective role of astaxanthin for UV‐in‐ duced skin deterioration in healthy people—a randomized, double‐ blind. Placebo‐Controlled Trial. Nutrients. 2018;10:817.